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New Voices from Underrepresented Neighborhoods

New voices from underrepresented neighborhoods, like mine, can make a difference at City Council. Our socio-economic diversity is part of what makes Mountain View a home for everyone.

I've lived in apartments on Latham Street and California Avenue for over 20 years. As Vice-Chair of the Planning Commission, I have always spoken up for all neighborhoods, renters and homeowners alike. Representation and understanding of varying neighborhood needs and community members is crucial for good governance and a thriving democracy.

The same voices from the same perspectives have had their opportunity in city governance and I believe we can do better. It's time for new folks to step in and step up. 

Negotiation Strategy - Staff Oversight

At the May 3rd, 2023 planning commission meeting, staff presented Google's North Bayshore Master Plan.

In this meeting we found out Google had removed 350 inclusionary affordable housing units from their development proposal. The company decided to meet their affordable housing contribution through land dedication instead.

I was the only Planning Commissioner to vote against the proposal because it was the right thing to do. Huge negotiations like this don't come our way often, and in a key moment like this, we need someone to step up, and speak up for the future of Mountain View.

Oversight of city staff should have included outside legal counsel advice. This approach would have provided strategies to help Mountain View negotiate towards a better future.

We can't afford these types of missteps.

Reorganizing City Priorities & Balanced Budget

The next city council will have the opportunity to reorganize top city project priorities. I believe we need to focus on projects with an emphasis on:

  • Green Space and Parks
  • Infrastructure improvement that supports our growing city
  • Housing for low and middle income families, and investment in CLTs (Community Land Trusts)
  • Support for our first responders (MVFD & MVPD)
  • Small business loans and technology assistance
  • Bike and pedestrian safety improvements

The key is making sure we have a balanced budget, and in doing so, we can continue to move forward helping our city thrive. Furthermore, we need our City Council to be clear on what is expected for when presentations, study sessions and recommendations come our way. The City Manager or Attorney need to understand clearly what it is that the Council would like to see regarding timelines and improved recommendations. We shouldn't always be just "meeting the minimum requirements." Problem solving an issue depending on scope, shouldn't take 2-3 years to figure out, it needs to be quicker and more efficient and that's what I bring to the table: Responsibility, accountability and follow through. Good governance demands this type of vision and expectation. If we don't raise the bar, the results will be more of the same. 

Paid for by Jose Gutierrez
for Mountain View City Council 2024
FPPC ID# 1471108
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